In the fall of 2024, Restore Our Roots hosted our first community-based planting event in Johnsontown Park. With funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Borough needed suppport in planting native trees and shrubs in several Borough parks, so ROR agreed to help! The funding also extended into Kerr and Tabas parks.
Because Johnsontown park is sometimes subjected to areas of standing water after heavy rain events, we focused on tree and shrub species that like to have “wet feet,” and can tolerate their roots being submerged for a period of time. Species selection included Swamp White Oak, River Birch, Buttonbush, Chokecherry and more.
Restore Our Roots worked side by side with Downingtown Borough public works to select the planting locations, focusing on lower-lying areas as well as along the edge of the East Branch Brandywine Creek. When planting day arrived, there were 35 members of the local community who came to help, shovels in hand, and planted 125 shrubs and saplings. ROR has since supplemented that initial planting with another 125 trees.
As you walk the loop in Johnsontown Park, note the tree tubes that are protecting those plantings, and imagine the shade, cover, and habitat that the trees will provide as they mature. Bluebirds are already using the young saplings to perch, as lookout spots, and the oak trees (the no. 1 keystone species in our region) will start providing ecological services, even from a very young age. If you visit spring through fall when they’re in leaf, take a moment to examine the oak leaves and see if you can spot any holes or galls – evidence that they are providing food and habitat.

What does the future hold for the park? Well, with Borough’s green light, we’re now looking into funding pollinator gardens in the area. Imagine walking in the park, seeing beautiful butterflies, happy bees, and a colorful palette of powerful pollinator-supporting plants!
Additionally, we now have ‘site captains’ for this park who, like at our other park sites, check on the plantings to ensure their successful future. If you ever want to help with site checks and maintenance of the planting, please reach out to us at and we’ll put you in touch with the site capatains.