Preparing a Pollinator Garden Step 1
March 29 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Help us prepare a pollinator garden in Johnsontown Park
Step 1: Sheet mulching & Smothering Grass
Start saving your cardboard! We’ll spend the morning laying cardboard and leaf mulch to smother grass near the River Station bridge. This hands-on, family friendly community event will be a great way to learn how to create a pollinator garden, step by step. This event is all about site preparation, and you’ll be able to take what you learn back to your own home, to create a native garden of your very own.
What to bring:
- Garden rake, pitchfork, or broom
- Plain brown cardboard – the plainer, the better! No wax coating, and as little ink as possible. (No Chewy boxes, please, because they have too much ink, but most Amazon boxes will be ok. If you’ve recently purchased a large item like a fridge or other household appliance, we’d love to use that carboard.)
Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming. Note, we’ll have a professional videographer on site who will be documenting our progress. Let the fun begin! (rain date: Sun, Mar 30)
Special thank you to our partners for making this project possible:
Downingtown Borough & Public Works for leaf mulch and for all the support
PA Native Plant Society for grant funding
MSE Landscape Associates, Mark Eberhardt; Principal Landscape Designer in partnership with ROR & the Downingtown Shade Tree Commission